AG Peltz Group, LLC mixed and placed approximately 5,583 square yards
of both 9” and 16” RCC at the existing CSX Fairburn Intermodal Facility in 2010. The CSX decided to add capacity at this yard and elected to utilize RCC in lieu of asphalt for two reasons: 1) the poor performance of the existing HMA at the facility and
2) the high expected loading on the new pavement area. RCC was used both for the RTG (Rubber Tire Gantry) lane and truck/trailer lanes at the facility.
In 2013, AG Peltz finished a second phase of RCC Paving at Fairburn. Specifications for the new phase of paving at Fairburn were developed by Jim LaFrentz of Tigerbrain Engineering. AG Peltz Group met the CSX specification requirements which included new requirements for scarification, jointing, testing, and density measurement.