RCC Consulting

A.G. Peltz System Solutions, LLC leverages decades of expertise to expand the opportunities for Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) paving by delivering high-quality RCC systems worldwide.

We provide tailored RCC training seminars for all experience levels, from business owners to field operators. Training covers design principles, material selection, installation techniques, and equipment guidance.
We provide tailored RCC training seminars for all experience levels, from business owners to field operators. Training covers design principles, material selection, installation techniques, and equipment guidance.

Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) Paving Consulting

We provide RCC System Solutions for facility managers, owners, engineers, developers, and contractors. In partnership with our strategic affiliates, we offer:

  • RCC Pavement Design
  • Operational Planning and Appraisal
  • Condition Surveys
  • RCC Material Selection & Mix Design
  • Constructability & RCC Pavement Planning
  • RCC Specifications & Testing
  • Equipment Selection for RCC Projects
  • RCC Troubleshooting and Remediation

A.G. Peltz System Solutions, LLC leverages decades of expertise to expand the opportunities for Roller Compacted Concrete (RCC) paving by delivering high-quality RCC systems worldwide.

Industry Leadership:

  • Over 11 million square yards of RCC placed in the U.S. and Mexico since 1999.
  • Key personnel with over 80 years of combined experience in RCC, Cement Treated Base (CTB), Soil-Cement, and Slipform  Pavement.
  • Played a key role in expanding RCC from a niche industrial solution to a mainstream paving option.

Common Questions

How are consulting fees determined? Pricing varies based on project requirements. Options may include a percentage of the total project cost, a per diem basis, or a retainer.

What is the minimum charge for on-site assistance? We do not typically charge by the hour. However, when immediate field assistance is necessary, the minimum fee is $5,000 per day plus travel expenses.

How do you ensure timely support? By involving us early in the project, we can prevent costly design and installation errors such as poor site selection, inadequate mix design, or incorrect equipment usage. When urgent issues arise, our team and affiliates will respond promptly.

Do you offer RCC-specific training? Yes, we provide tailored RCC training seminars for all experience levels, from business owners to field operators. Training covers design principles, material selection, installation techniques, and equipment guidance. A standard seminar typically starts at $25,000, including preparation, materials, and travel expenses.

What if RCC isn't commonly used in my area? RCC opportunities exist in all markets. Through our promotional and field efforts with industry stakeholders, we continue to generate new project opportunities for RCC paving.

How can I determine if my project fits RCC or if A.G. Peltz System Solutions can help?

Contact us via our website here for a timely response. For immediate inquiries, reach out to Chris Carwie at 205.335.0579 or [email protected].

Our Mission

"To expand the opportunities for RCC paving using our time-tested expertise in delivering the highest quality RCC systems globally."

Additional Paving Expertise