I-59 Interstate Reconstruction in Dekalb County

A.G. Peltz is reconstructing 8 miles of I-59 in DeKalb County for ALDOT, featuring innovative PCTB and concrete paving, with phase 1 set for May...

I-59 Interstate Reconstruction in Dekalb County

A.G. Peltz Group is reconstructing 8 miles of Interstate 59 in DeKalb County. This ALDOT project was designed using an alternate-design, alternate-bid (AD/AB) process with options for both concrete and asphalt paving. The purpose of this approach is to generate inter-industry competition, lowering costs for taxpayers. The $40.7M bid for the concrete option was awarded in December 2022, saving ALDOT over 14% compared to the HMA alternative. The final price was on the low end of ALDOT’s bid bracket estimate of $38.7M to $47.1M.

The major project bid items include removal of the existing interstate, excavation, grading, drainage, striping, base, and paving. The paving includes 134,379 SY of 12” mainline and inside shoulder pavement, and 46,354 SY of 8” outside shoulder pavement – all constructed over 4” of permeable cement-treated base (PCTB). The project is being constructed in two four-mile phases utilizing a contract flow traffic scheme. The first phase is expected to be completed by May 2024.

The project represents several firsts for ALDOT. It is the first ALDOT project where concrete was the successful bidder in an AD/AB scenario. Additionally, this project marks the inaugural use of PCTB by ALDOT and is the first large-scale interstate concrete paving project built by an in-state contractor. It is also only the third concrete interstate project built in the last three decades.

A.G. Peltz Group is utilizing an on-site Erie Strayer concrete plant and a fleet of Wirtgen equipment for the PCC and PCTB placement. This includes a full-width mixer/placer, paving machine, and texture/curing machine. The concrete paving consistently exceeds the 28-day strength targets of 650 psi flexural and 4000 psi compressive strength. The PCTB is being mixed through an ARAN continuous pugmill and placed with a Vogele high-density paving machine. Supplier partners include Vulcan Materials, Madison Materials, National Cement, and Heidelberg Materials.

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With over 80 years of combined experience in our team and over 11,000,000 cubic yards of concrete placed across the US, A.G. Peltz Group are pioneers in the paving industry. More about us

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Project Details


Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT)

Project Designer

Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT)

General Contractor

A.G. Peltz Group

Completion Date


Paving Method/s

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