Over the course of four years, A.G. Peltz Group, LLC placed 240,000 SY of 7”, 10”, and 12” roller compacted concrete for the Alabama Power Companies General Service Complex in Varnons, AL. Phase one of this project was completed in the fall of 2018. Phase II was complete in 2019 while the final phase was completed in September of 2021. The GSC is heavily loaded with various parts, machinery, and mobile equipment. In several cases, the existing HMA sections were experiencing distresses and requiring consistent, costly maintenance. Alabama Power was looking for a durable, economical pavement alternate which could be placed quickly. Roller Compacted Concrete was identified as the solution.
Due to the APC General Service Complex being an operational facility, site planning was crucial for this project. AGP worked with the Power Company to develop a paving plan which minimized site disruption and downtime. In several cases, equipment was returned to the finished RCC as soon as design strengths were achieved. The existing asphalt at the site was milled at varied depths by AGP subcontractor, Kelly Construction. Both single lift (7”,10”) and dual lift (12”) were completed by AGP utilizing ABG Titan 8820 Pavers. Paving widths ranged from 14’ to 24.5’ feet. Both the centerline longitudinal and transverse joints were saw cut utilizing early entry saws. In addition, AGP troweled finished the 2nd and 3rd phases of this project to improve surface aesthetics around the Alabama Power buildings. Material suppliers include Vulcan Materials, Argos, Couch Aggregates and Dunn Construction.