Street & Roadways

ALDOT I-59 Shoulders Trussville, AL

A.G. Peltz Group, LLC placed 128,000 SY of Roller Compacted Concrete on I-59 interstate shoulders for ALDOT in 2021.  As the pilot project with RCC for shoulder reconstruction, ALDOT elected to utilize Roller Compacted Concrete due to its advantages including durability and speed of construction.  The existing HMA shoulders were […]

Roller-Compacted Concrete Provides Long-Lasting Durability on Crossgate Road in Port Wentworth, Georgia

The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has placed thousands of square yards of roller-compacted concrete (RCC) over the past several years, primarily on shoulders of Georgia interstates. In fact, a recent nationwide survey by the Portland Cement Association (PCA) showed that Georgia has placed more RCC than any other state transportation department in the country. Last fall, GDOT […]

AG Peltz Summer GDOT RCC Project

In the summer of 2016, AG Peltz Group, LLC will place roller compacted concrete for the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) on a section of Crossgate Road in Port Wentworth, GA The roadway is GDOT’s inaugural project to utilize roller compacted concrete as a final riding surface on a state […]